Quotable Quotes
Real Life
"There weren't many Christians before the time of Christ"-Unknown Girl
" I want a girlfriend so I can have a massage"-SP
"The old fellas shrunk"-TN
"What are the flagpoles for?"-GB
"I give girls wet dreams"-Undisclosed
"Shut up I'm trying to Understand"-MR
"It's not socially acceptable"-BR
"It's Quiet tonight"-Nan
"Star Wars Sux"-SP
"I don't have to squint to keep the sun out of my eyes"-EY
"And on that day, Satan will be skating to work"-GB
"My Names ------------------------ and I'm here to Learn"-KCW
"At least I'm not a priest"-RS
"You boys bitch so much"-KG
"And the point is" -GB
"Your obviously mistaking me for someone who cares"-GB
"Sic man"-SP
"I'll be octimus prime and you can be bumble-bee"-JC
"White out is strong, Ill use it to glue my ruler back together"-JC
"I won't tolerate mediocrity"-JE
"And the moral of the story is" -GB
"I like the feel of my jaw moving up and down"-SP
"I'm a pirate"-MW
"'Get the Ewe' is my favourite Quote"-KCW
"And tell me Bishop Celibacy, if pig meat is unclean why do you eat it?"-AM
"I know, we'll call you major tit-wobble"-HC
"I am the very model of a modern major-general" -GB
"Sex isn't a spectator sport"-DJB
"Now the last thing we would want is for you to be upset"-GB
"Call me Gyro-man"-SP
"Now all he needs is a wash"-GB
"About as flash as a rat with a gold tooth"-AM
"Sex isn't for free"-SP
"Shreeeeederrrrr, get back to the Technadrome"-JC
"Don't sit there, my guardian angle's sitting there"-GB
"Wait, I've never kissed my car drunk before"-SP
"Eee, eee, eee, Ooohrang"-RW
"Hello, this is ------- Wong, and you have rang the Wong number"-AM
"Can I borrow your hole, Fatty"-EY
"I understand cars about as much as I understand women"-GB
"Don't you remember the flux capacitor"-EY
"You've lived under a rock all your life if you haven't heard of" -SP
"Oi, you're me mate, ahe? Yair, your me mate"-SP
Television & Film
"This is my all time best lucky find I ever found in the whole of today"-Cat; Red Dwarf
"I'll have you know I chose this face from the thousands that were available to me because it happens to be the face of the greatest and most prolific lover who ever lived."-Holly; Red Dwarf
"God himself couldn't sink her."-Cal in Titanic
"Can't wait to see what the bathrooms are like."-Cage; Mortal Kombat
"If you want my professional opinion as ship's councillor, he's nuts"-Troy; Star Trek First Contact
"Make a good souvenir"-Ripley; Alien Resurrection
Greg Bellamy